newObjects (fromerly known as ZmeY soft) newObjects Active Local Pages 1.2
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ALP is implemented as an Asynchronous Pluggable Protocol. It acts like a WEB server but without need of network. It executes WEB applications such as ASP pages and CGI applications. ALP makes Internet Explorer to be server and client. With ALP you can write stand-alone desktop applications, CD-ROM autoruns, use ASP for pure desktop software and still keep your code ready to run on WEB servers too.
Write desktop software in ASP and CGI!
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ASP Focus

Site navigation
Active Local Pages

HTML Parser Light

Parse HTML content to a document tree, change it regenerate it. Wtih this component you can do what the browsers do - understand the page. Can be used for development of HTML template systems, indexing of HTML content and many other tasks.

Highlights of the day
Active Label ActiveX
Barcode ActiveX? Much more - the design and printing inside your WEB application
SQLite3 COM ActiveX embeds the SQLite3 database engine and interface to it. Supports paremeterized views and triggers.
Active Local Pages 1.2
Write desktop apps in ASP and CGI. Create wutorun CDs using WEB technologies - yes it is possible!
ActiveX Pack1 family
Desktop Windows, CE/CE.NET and PocketPC! About 50 powerful components for all the Windows platforms.
AXGate 1.1 (new)
Script dafely any ActiveX in Pocket IE. Build applications in HTML and use local resources and components in them.
IE ScriptBar
Create complex toolbars for Microsoft Internet Explorer easier than you may have expected.

Licensing types legend
(M) Single machine license
(U) Unlimited per-company license
(D) Unlimited development license
(S) Special type of licensing

PADRING: Always new software

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 newObjects Active Local Pages 1.2   
Price: $15 (M) $320 (D) Discount for resalers
Information Download Buy
Welcome to ALP
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Licensing (read before buy)
Discuss ALP (Forums)
ALP Internals
Purchase info
Application deployment (deployment examples)
ALP 1.2 Full (SFX 3.3M)
ALP 1.2 Full (zip 4.5M)
ALP 1.2 Redistributables only (SFX 0.7 MB)
ALPFrame demonstration
Buy (per-seat) $15
Buy (developer) $320
Buy on ShareIt
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Purchase info

ALP licenses can be bought through RegNet (see the links above) or from our partners. If you want to pay using direct wire transfer to us there is additional discount - contact us for details and bank account information.

See also the new ALP site:

From version 1.1 ALP follows this licensing scheme (see more details about the ALP licensing):

  • LOCAL (per-seat) - License for usage on a single machine. Licenses ALP engine on the machine.
    Packs/multiply LOCAL licenses can be bought with considerable discount. License is sent by e-mail - a password for the licensing site:
    You generate license request on the machine where ALP is installed and upload the file to that site. The site responds with updated license file you import using the page provided with ALP. The license can be requested many times - for example you may need to re-obtain it if you have re-installed the operating system.
    Once merged with the registry all the ALP applications on that machine can be used. Splash screen and footnote are disabled (Splash can be enabled if the user wants to).
    Buy (secure purchase forms): RegNet
    Click the link for the operator you prefer and follow the steps described on the page
  • DEVELOPER - Redistribution license. Allows the customer to license its applications and distribute them not requiring the users to buy ALP licenses, pack ALP redistribution files with its applications etc.. With the DEVELOPER license 5 additional LOCAL free licenses can be issued for developer convenience. If the customer needs to use only his own ALP applications in his company there is no need to buy LOCAL licenses for each workplace. This is treated as redistribution too.
    On the ALP licensing site you can check/re-request your license file.
    Buy (secure purchase forms): RegNet
    Click the link for the operator you prefer and follow the steps described on the page
  • License packs - LOCAL licenses can be bought in packs of 5, 10 or 50+ licenses. The discount applies only if the licenses are bought in turn. Already owned licenses are not counted as part of the pack. to see the actual discount fill the purchase form on the purchase pages and recalculate.

Typical time for sending the license is 12-24 hours after submitting the order. If you need to check what licenses you have go to this page: (redirection will occur) and use the e-mail address from your order.

All the licenses issued for version 1.0 are valid with version 1.1 and later.

  • DEVELOPER license equals DEVELOPER license for 1.1. DEVELOPER licenses bought before May, 1 2002 also allow the customer to use ALP in his company without limitations by applying the license to every ALP application. If the customer wants LOCAL licenses to be issued for his convenience he/she may contact us for up to 10 free licenses.
  • CORPORATE license is deprecated. All the available customers were upgraded to DEVELOPER license.
  • PERSONAL license can be replaced for free with 10 LOCAL licenses. The customer may contact us in order to receive the new license keys.

Copyright newObjects (ZmeY soft) 2001-2005