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Active Local Pages

One common environment for desktop and WEB programming. Active Local Pages - WEB applications running on the desktop. Using the ALP WEB techniques are available for desktop programming - ASP and CGI are no longer server side only!

Highlights of the day
Active Label ActiveX
Barcode ActiveX? Much more - the design and printing inside your WEB application
SQLite3 COM ActiveX embeds the SQLite3 database engine and interface to it. Supports paremeterized views and triggers.
Active Local Pages 1.2
Write desktop apps in ASP and CGI. Create wutorun CDs using WEB technologies - yes it is possible!
ActiveX Pack1 family
Desktop Windows, CE/CE.NET and PocketPC! About 50 powerful components for all the Windows platforms.
AXGate 1.1 (new)
Script dafely any ActiveX in Pocket IE. Build applications in HTML and use local resources and components in them.
IE ScriptBar
Create complex toolbars for Microsoft Internet Explorer easier than you may have expected.

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Product lists are separated in several categories. All products and services are listed under the appropriate category - choose category from Products list page.

In the table with list of products/services you can click over product names to view its details or directly click in the "end price" column to go to the Buy/download page.

Information for some products is stored in the other sites - it may consist of online demos, additional documentation, screenshots etc. These places are with different design and navigation.

What to download ? Major part of our commercial products are with two versions FREE or DEMO and RETAIL version. When it is possible we offer FREE versions with low functionality - enough to demonstrate how the product works and useful for individuals. If the product type can not be separated in FREE and RETAIL version we offer DEMOS - for download or online demos if the product is designed for the WEB. Reason of online demos are the WEB application specifics. If you are interested in application without enough demonstration served here - pleace mail us at

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Active Label ActiveX
Barcoding and label design and printing embedded into the WEB applications.
Active Label Browser
Light weight application for Label design with support for most 1-d barcodes and pictures. Links to databases, works with local and online resources, acts like a browser.
WEB programming
Active Local Pages
The same code on a WEB server or running as normal Windows application. ALP removes the borders between WEB and desktop programming, it even allows you build autoruns, start your program from a flash drive. ALP now has its own WEB site dedicated to it.
All-in-one ActiveX
ActiveX Pack1
Ever wanted an ActiveX package that covers almost everything and everywhere (PC, Pocket PC, Smartphone)? AXPack1 is close to that - work with files/streams, scripting, string formatting, write components in script, dictionary collections, data persistence and exchange and much more.
Part of AXPack1 that treats the TCP/IP and IRDA netwroking just like files - you can do with them almost everything you can do with files.
Part of AXPack1. Full SQL database engine in a single object. ActiveX port of the popular SQLite datqabase.
IE Toolbars
IE ScriptBar
Create custom toolbars for IE, and make them do something really useful. You can do it in script, VB or C but as easy as creating a dynamic WEB page.
For Pocket IE
Work safely with unsafe ActiveX in Pocket Internet Explorer.
IIS Plug-ins
ISAPI Authenticator
Implement custom authentication for your WEB sites. ISAPI filter for all IIS and PWS versions.
ISAPI Variable parser
Make the parameters passed to your pages look like plain URL.
ISAPI Redirector
Spread the trafffic to your site to more than one server or simply implement smarter redirection.
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