The Virtual ALP Site
settings dialog:

This dialog is responsible for the
files in the directory where the shell extension has been activated.
Usually the existence of this file is enough and defines the root for
a Virtual ALP site.
The files may contain DEVELOPER license for ALP. In that
case this license takes precedence and any LOCAL (per-seat) license
installed on the PC is ignored for this Virtual ALP site. If you have
DEVELOPER license you can import it into the Virtual ALP site using
the form on the dialog. As source you can use any other file
which contains valid DEVELOPER license - for example the file
received from us after the purchace.
During the development and testing of your application you may want
to enable the splash screen temporarily. This can be useful if you
want to be sure which license is used when the application in the
Virtual ALP site runs. This may help you test everything and avoid
human mistakes before writing the application on a CD or DVD for
Note about the owners of DEVELOPER licenses. If you are developing
many applications and you do not want to bother with the DEVELOPER
licenses during the development process you can request up to 5 LOCAL
free licenses and use them on the development machines. Thus you will
not need to import your DEVELOPER license in each application (you may
want to keep several copies for backup or other purposes for example
and the total number of the ALP application on your machine may grow