The MIME type settings dialog:

For the files not handled by any particular ALP module you can
specify the content type which should be reported by the ALP engine.
This setting is important as the different systems may have different
associations (between file extension and content type) and configuring
these associations in ALP will guarantee every file will be reported
as you want on each system. For example the .rtf extension can be
registered by an application that uses it for its own documents (not
actually RTF for example) then it will not open win MS Word/Wordpad as
expected as the content type registered in the system is something
else. So configuring the association here you will tell the ALP to
report .rtf files as text/richtext always - no matter what appears in
the registry. As long as the appropriate applications are on teh
system the file will be able to open where expected. As a conclusion -
it is recommended to add associations for all the file types used in
your application.
Force download option works with IE 5 or later and instructs ALP to
enforce download operation instead of opening the file inline. For
example a MS Word document will open in the browser's window if this
option is not specified and will start and open in MS Word if
"Force download" is checked. On IE4 this option is not
supported but will not do any harm so do not hesitate to specify it
when this behavior is desired.
See also the reverse MIME map in the ALP
Directory settings. It is responsible for the file extension
selection when the file is not opened in-place - e.g. downloaded. This
is especially important for applications that generate document files