ASP (ScriptGen) settings

Defines the most important settings for the ASP pages.
Default language: The scripting language which will be
assumed if the page does not contain @Language option.
IIS Compatibility: ALP 1.1 supports 4 levels (0,1,2,3). For
new applications it is recommended to use the biggest. However applications
written for earlier ALP versions may need lower compatibility level.
What this means? ASP support in ALP resembles the ASP support in IIS.
However there were some differences in the ALP behavior which can be
controlled by setting the compatibility level. In one word higher
compatibility level means closer IIS behavior. Older ALP application
may still need the mentioned differences so the level can be set for
each application. The most important behavior elements affected by the
compatibility level:
Level 0:
- The empty/non-set variables in the Application and Session are
set to NULL (VT_NULL)
- When missing value is referred from the Request directly (
type of Request("MissingParameter") is empty string )
the returned empty collection returns empty string for its root
Level 1:
- The empty/non-set variables in the
Application and Session are set to Empty (VT_EMPTY)
- When missing value is referred from the Request directly (
type of Request("MissingParameter") is empty string )
the returned empty collection returns empty string for its root
Level 2:
- The empty/non-set variables in the
Application and Session are set to Empty (VT_EMPTY)
- When missing value is referred from the
Request directly ( type of Request("MissingParameter")
is Empty/undefined ) the returned empty collection returns empty
variant for its root value.
The other options control the error mode, maximum time
allowed for one page processing etc.
Special attention deserves the Extended CreateObject option.
If you set it on the Server.CreateObject and <OBJECT RUNAT=SERVER
...> will use the CreateObject method supplied by the Pack1Creator
object from the ALP Run-time library. This opens interesting
opportunities and is especially useful for autorun applications which
cannot afford to register the components they need. If it is enabled
you will be able to specify not only ProgID or ClassID in the Server.CreateObject,
but also path to a composite
object definition file and even create objects from COM DLL which
is not registered with the system (note that most COM DLL-s will
not function correctly that way, we can guarantee that this works with
our components, but we strongly recommend you test any 3-d party
component before using it that way).
See also the COM map aliases.
They allow own/custom ProgID-s to be used for the COM objects and
allow the applications developed for autorun scenarios to avoid using
raw ClassID-s.