The ALPFrame settings dialog:

allows you create configuration for the ALPFrame browser in the
selected directory. Before considering the details note that these
settings will take effect only if the ALPFrame browser is first
started with an URL which points to a file in this directory! If this
directory is entered from already opened ALPFrame browser they will be
ignored. This means this configuration is effectively useful only if
you are going to create shortcut to the application in this directory
or otherwise start a new ALPFrame browser instance with it.
- Allow IE shortcut menu - Enables the standard IE
right-click menu. Note that this feature is mutually exclusive
with support for custom shortcut menus in your pages. I.e. enable
it only if you have no custom shortcut menus.
- Deny new windows - No new windows will be opened, no
matter what technique is used to invoke them.
- Dialog mode - The user is prevented from selecting the
text in the pages except for the form fields.
- Show status bar on navigation - No matter what the Window
styles are this forces the status bar to be shown when the browser
navigates to a new location.
- Configuration ID name or Application ID - this
corresponds to the Application ID in the Browser requirements in
the ALP Application settings.
This is the name of the ALPFrame configuration and if specified
makes possible to configure one on more ALP Applications to
require ALPFrame browser started with this configuration in order
to run.
- Big and small icon - you can specify icon files there.
The icon specified is used in the Window caption and the Alt-Tab
switch UI. Note that you can specify the same .ico file in the
both fields if it contains small and big icons. If the .ico file
contains only one of the icons it will be scaled to fit the
required size.
Startup and Next Window styles

ALPFrame supports separate settings for the first windows (the
window which opens when the ALPFrame instance is started) and the next
windows opened from it. For the both window types the same settings
can be specified. We strongly recommend usage of the Presets
because the windows style may have deeper effect than you expect.
The home page is usually unneeded in the configurations managed by
this shell extension. The setting is supplied mostly to allow viewing
the option if it is manually specified.
Browsing restrictions

The browsing restrictions allow you restrict what sites and
protocols will be enabled in the ALPFrame browser instance started
with this configuration. This feature is most often used to add
ultimate security to sensitive applications. For simplicity the
browsing restrictions are not inheritable. E.g. if you specify any
browsing restrictions in this ALPFrame configuration the browsing
restrictions from the default ALPFrame configuration will not be used
any more. The defaults will take effect only if you have no browsing
restrictions at all.
The browsing restrictions are:
- Default - the ALPFrame behavior for all the URL/protocols
not specified in particular profile (see below).
- Profiles - You can create one or more profiles (or think
about them as zones) and assign ALPFrame behavior for them. Each
profile may list particular URL-s and protocols.
The behaviors you can assign are 5:
- Allowed - allow browsing
- Ask first time - The user is asked if he/she really wants to
navigate the first time an URL from that profile is used.
- Ask always - Like before but the user is asked each time an URL
from the profile is used. This includes images as well, therefore
you should use this option in some rare cases only.
- Forbidden (message) - the browsing is forbidden. A message
informs the user about this.
- Forbidden (silent) - the browsing is forbidden without message.

The profiles (zones) may contain unlimited number of entries. Each
entry specifies the protocol over which the browsing may occur (for
example http, alp, ftp etc.) and the base URL. The base URL is most
often a site DNS name, but you can enter more specific one - for
example This will include in the profile all
the URL that begin with the specified URL portion.
If the URL is left empty or * is specified the entry means
"any URL over the specified protocol".
The policy specified defines the ALPFrame behavior for the URL
listed in the profile.
Note that the ALP content (over alp: protocol only) that resides in
the directory in which the alpframe.cfg is created and its
subdirectories is always allowed. Therefore you do not need to
"unlock" the ALPFrame for the application for which you are
designing the configuration. Note that by protocols like about:, file:
and so on will follow the default policy unless specified in a
profile. If you use one or more of them you will need to create a
profile, list them in it and allow these protocols.
See also ALPFrame configuration
for more details.