What is ALP?
newObjects Active Local Pages (ALP) is an application development
kit. With ALP the developers can build wide range of applications in
almost all areas covered by the traditional RAD (Rapid Application Development)
development tools such as Visual Basic, Delphi and many others. Still
there are substantial differences in the way the applications are
designed in ALP and in a typical RAD environment. In ALP the
applications compose their user interface using WEB techniques - i.e.
the developer designs HTML/DHTML pages and writes code that
handles/manipulates them. However this does not mean that ALP is a WEB
server - it just implements the user interface and user interaction
methods known from the WEB development world, but directly without
any network server components between the user and the application.
Thus the ALP applications can be designed for almost all the purposes
typical for non-WEB applications. There is no need to be concerned
about firewalls or other problems that may be a problem for a WEB
server application - ALP just resembles WEB server but it isn't.
Some of the obvious benefits are the ability to use well-known WEB
techniques to build the application, easy to build complex user
interface implemented in HTML which is familiar to the user and can be
build with wide variety of tools - from a simple text editor like
notepad to visual HTML editors like FrontPage. Aside of the employment
of programming skills from the WEB development world in desktop
programming environment the ALP applications are almost always ready
to run on Microsoft IIS WEB server without changes as long as their
functionality makes sense through the WEB (i.e. if the application
will be useful as online application). All the ALP specific features
can be ported the the WEB server machine by installing the ALP
run-time library on it..
The ALP application structure can be illustrated briefly by
this scheme:

All the operations are performed in a single application that runs on
the PC - the ALP consumer application - an application able to load an
use the ALP engine. Thus ALP works in the consumer's process memory. The
consumer is most often Microsoft Internet Explorer or the ALPFrame
browser (part of the Active Local Pages product), but other applications
that can use asynchronous pluggable protocols can be ALP consumers as
well. Most interesting for the developers are Internet Explorer and
ALPFrame. The ALP applications are loaded into the consumer (we will
refer to it also as viewer or browser) by using an ALP URL. For example
and URL:
placed in the address bar of MS Internet Explorer will execute the
pointed ASP file (if it exists of course) and display the HTML content
generated by it. If this HTML contains links or a form user will be able
to click a link or submit a form and thus invoke this or another file
with the parameters entered into the form or contained in the link's
HREF data. Although this very similar to WEB browsing it is not -
everything is done by the browser and the ALP engine loaded in it (it is
automatically loaded when an ALP URL is first invoked).
If this can be done in Internet Explorer (IE) why use ALPFrame?
ALPFRame is in fact a WEB browser based on Internet Explorer core, but
designed in a bit different way. For example in IE you have standard
IE menus, toolbars and other tools and only the work area of the
browser is controlled by the HTML you show there. In contrast almost
all the visual elements of ALPFrame are controlled by the HTML shown
in it. Thus the DHTML content shown in it has access to all the DHTML
objects available in IE, but it also has access to more features
through the window.external property. Through it the DHTML
scripts can access ALPFrame visual features directly and compose
window and context menus dynamically or change the ALPFRame window
appearance. Thus by using ALPFrame the developer is able to overcome
some limitations of the DHTML object model and add additional elements
to the user interface that will make the application behavior and
appearance much like any other desktop application. If you are
concerned about the portability of such a decision - remember ALPFrame
ships with ALP thus it will be always available for your ALP
application. What will happen if you want to port such an application
(that uses ALPFrame features) on a WEB server? First of all ALPFrame
can be used as a browser for it. To simplify such solutions ALPFRame
registers a helper protocol entry that allows you use URL like this:
to invoke any URL in ALPFrame browser - the alpframe:// invokes
ALPFrame with the rest of the URL. Still, this means that the visitors
should have ALPFrame in order to view the application correctly. This
makes this technique good for known audience such as corporate
environments, private WEB sites where only registered users may enter
and so on. For WEB sites dedicated to the public you should specify
that the user must download ALP to see the WEB site with all the
features enabled (much like the WEB sites telling the visitor
"please download this browser ...").
ALPFrame has also some other features that make it perfect for ALP
applications and some other scenarios. First it supports special
autorun mode in which ALPFrame constructs at run time virtual COM
environment and allows an ALP application run without installation
(Note that this requires special configuration - described in this
documentation). Although most people associate autorun with CD
autoruns it is much more. For example the fact that the application
runs without installation means that it will not need to register
components with the system in order to use them. Thus such an
application does not need permission to write to the system registry
and can be executed in any user account and from any media - even
guest account and even from a flash memory. Thus ALP gives you ability
to design applications that the user will carry on a flash memory
disk/card or other similar media and run them on any computer at hand,
do some work, remove the flash memory and move somewhere else. The
user will not need special permission - any account will do.
Another feature of ALPFrame is the browsing restriction. This is
especially useful in normal scenarios (when ALP is installed - not
autorun) - you install one copy of ALP, but you can create different
ALPFrame configurations that will allow the user access from the
ALPFrame opened from that configuration only the specified
applications and WEB sites. This is very handy in many corporate
environments where the administrators are concerned about the security
and especially by risks based on user misleading - for example
phishing sites that may cause the user send internal information to
external site. This feature is available not only to the ALP
applications but also to the WEB sites and can be used in any
combination as needed - ALP and intranet applications, ALP and WEB
sites and so on. The administrators can create special links and force
the employees use them to access ALP an Intranet sites and thus avoid
any potential security problem. Note that ALP has more protection
features and this is just an additional option.
The primary development technique for ALP is Active Server Pages
compatible pages. The application is written in VBscript or JScript
and DHTML. However ALP supports also modular architecture and allows
additional modules to be built to support other technologies. ALP always
ships with ASP and CGI modules. The CGI support allows foreign
technologies such as PHP or Perl scripts to be executed just like the
ASP pages.
The ALP's ASP module is almost fully compatible with the classic ASP
on Microsoft IIS with exception of support for cookies and a few other
minor features. This gives the ASP applications cross-compatibility in
the both directions - from IIS to ALP and from ALP to IIS. As we
mentioned above the specific features supplied by the ALP run-time
library can be ported to an IIS machine and the developer does not need
to be concerned about their usage if compatibility with IIS is required
by the project. Here is the place to remind the developers who meet ALP
for the first time to take care to review each feature if they aim at
IIS compatibility - in most cases ALP allows more relaxed syntax and
more ways to do some things. For example ALP accepts in
Server.CreateObject not only ProgID but also ClassID. Thus the developer
should stick to the IIS supported syntax wherever ALP offers more
relaxed rules in order to avoid need to pass through the application
code and correct some lines when porting to IIS.
If you have experience in the WEB development area you just need to
get used of the idea that ALP allows you build (or port existing)
applications for stand-alone machines and devices using the same
techniques. If you are primarily a desktop applications developer you
can consider this short comparison between ALP and a traditional RAD
(Rapid Application Development) tools such as VB, Delphi and so on:
RAD environments: Usually form based. The developer
designs a form, places controls and other visual elements, handles
events from some of them and alters the state of others in the
ALP: The form is designed as HTML. It may contain whatever
elements HTML may contain such as images and formatted text and
allows very flexible design where you can mix document oriented
design and absolute positioning as needed. The processing is done as
whole - the user clicks an element/link or fills a form and this
submits state information to ALP which returns a new HTML (or the
same HTML a little changed - this is what the developer defines) and
it is displayed in the viewer.
ALP: If behavior similar to the event handling of events
fired by form elements is needed in ALP the developer can still use
DHTML programming to alter the visual presence and even do some
substantial work in the currently viewed form without submitting it
back to ALP.
RAD Envirnoments: When a database is to be used the
developer uses special controls that connect to tables, recordsets/queries.
Then responding to user actions that spark events the developer
implements code that alters or activates them. For many
traditional operations this is very convenient, but if more flexible
formatting and processing is needed it becomes partially an
obstacle. There is no way to place application built this way on a
WEB server and use it through the WEB, to do this the developer
would need to completely rewrite the application, preserving only
the database and some pieces of code - only those that do not
involve interaction with the user interface directly.
ALP: ALP may not have special database visual controls, but
it does not need them. A list of database results can be generated
with a simple cycle, form elements can be filled with a record data
with simple print outs during the HTML generation. The processing of
the user input is a matter of simple collection
enumeration/indexing. Both data display and data processing can be
customized as needed with little effort without need to obey design
limitations imposed by special database controls. The
processing/updates occur in well-distinguished moments of time -
when the page is submitted and it is easy and understandable how and
when to deal with database transactions, consistency keeping related
tasks and so on. The application can be put on a WEB server
(Microsoft IIS or another WEB server that supports the used
technology) most often without changes or even if there is need of
some they are inflicted by the developer on purposes different from
mere compatibility.
RAD Environments: When the application needs to perform
networking operations for example (such as custom connections to
remote servers through TCP/IP) a component is used. If it is not put
in a separate thread the user interface gets stuck unless the
developer is content in spending additional efforts to use component
that supports asynchronous connection handling which are often
incompatible with some OS versions.
ALP: The ALP run-time library offers the developer ability to
run threads, but even if the developer implements the code in haste - using
blocking TCP connections for instance, the application will not be
stuck as whole. Only the frame (or the work area of the browser)
will remain in waiting state while the user will be able to cancel
the operation or even close the application gracefully. ALP run-time
library has networking components (see NetStreams)
and the developer has no need to look outside for such or be
concerned with their OS compatibility. If a custom networking
operations are needed they can be implemented with ALP own
components (note: we mean here application specific networking
functionality which is not related to the ALP operation - e.g.
something the developer wants to implement in the application and
not the base application's user interface - as we said above ALP
resembles WEB server but there is no networking activity involved in
the content serving process).
RAD Environments: Depending on the particular environment
the developer may use language provided tools or components
(provided with the environment or 3-d party) to access the system
features, access files directly in text, binary or record based
modes, access the system registry and so on.
ALP: The ALP run-time library contains almost everything you
may need. The components in the library are easy to learn and use
and can be used outside ALP (including almost any RAD environment)
if their features are needed there. This allows the developer use
the same tools in ALP and in other environments. This saves not only
time, but also allows cross-application compatibility to be gained
with little efforts where a component specific feature is
The main programming technique in ALP is ASP (Active Server Pages
compatible processor) which allows the developer choose between VBScript and
JScript languages (also other Active Scripting languages can be used
and the pages can be written by combining more than one language).
The ALP run-time library is our standard ActiveX
Pack1 Family of components which includes:
File access components (see Storages
and Files). This set of components generalizes the file system
access by abstracting it as access to streams and storages. This
allows the components to be applied not only to files but also to
other objects that behave in similar manner - network connections,
OLE storages, in-memory streams and so on. Whatever features are
available for files are also available for other file-like objects.
This way the developer gains text, binary and record based access to
every file-like object and not just files. No need to use FSO (FileSystemObject)
and the other objects notorious with their availability and
anti-virus related problems. In exchange for a little learning the
developer gets a set of components with much wider area of
applicability that opens unlimited opportunities.
Networking components (See NetStreams).
This set allows the developer to lookup nodes, establish connections
and then drive them through the SFStream
object from the Storages and Files component set. Thus the
NetStreams brings the networking to the application abstracting it
as file-like object once the connection is made. The developer
implements networking specific code only for the connection
establishing phase and uses common stream (file-like) techniques to
send/receive data.
Embedded database (See SQLite
COM). This component provides the application with fully
functional embedded SQL database engine which has no external
dependencies! The databases are kept in a single file (all tables,
triggers, views and indices are kept in one file which is easy to
move/copy). If the developer needs ultimate compatibility and wants
to avoid troubles with ADO/MS Access versions and availability
he/she can use the embedded database and do all the database work
with it.
Threading (See COMScriptThread).
This component allows the developer run a script asynchronously not
disturbing the functionality of the application's user interface.
Any long lasting tasks can be performed in the background and the
application can check their state when requested instead of blocking
the user interface by waiting them to complete.
Composite components (See Composite
components). Allow the developer construct new COM components in
a script language and optionally pack them in a single file. In
contrast to WSC (Windows Scripting Technology) the composite
components can be used without registration with the system. I.e.
the application can create such component on-the-fly from its
definition file not disturbing the user with installation and thus
requiring extended user rights on the local machine. If the
composite object is implemented using objects from the run-time
library only it becomes even self-dependent and can be easily
deployed in other environments and other machines.
UDS - Universal Data Structures (See ConfigFile).
UDS data is a bit similar to XML. It can be managed in the
application's memory as object model exposed through nested
collections and can be persisted in files, streams and registry. It
can be transferred in cross-platform compatible manner between
applications and machines across the network. If the XML components
cause you headache with their versioning and organization (often
inconvenient for application specific tasks) you can rely on UDS
functionality which ships with your application and can be easily
provided on other systems by installing there the run-time library.
We are preparing for the near future even more easy to use UDS
management set of components which can be used as alternative way to
manage the same data, thus giving the developer ability to choose
between built-in small footprint (ConfigFile) and bigger but more
convenient set of components (when you read this it may be already
available - see on our site).
Collections/Dictionary objects (see VarDictionary
and UtilStringList).
The script languages offer a range of functionality that concerns
data kept in arrays. Still when the data must be shared with other
applications or when the data structure becomes too complex for an
array the developer looks for a component that will provide more
flexibility. With VarDictionary the developer can construct not just
plain collections with values addressed by name or index, but also
nest them (by putting a collection as value in some places) and thus
use tree like structures in memory. VarDictionary offers search
functionality that allows the application lookup information in
complex and deep tree structures contained in such objects.
More. In the run-time library there are also many other
components that may be of use for the ALP applications. They include:
- Script hosting (see ScriptManager
and ScriptAggregate);
- String utilities -
powerful string formatting that extends the popular standard from
the C-library printf function.
- Synchronization objects
- allow the application that uses threads and/or needs more complex
inter-page/thread/application synchronization to control the flow of
the operations.
- Advanced COM - For those
who need to do more with COM - provide suitable environment for 3-d
party components, run object in a separate thread if it needs
sometimes more time to execute a member etc.
- Type conversion
- patches the language features if they are not available in the
language itself.
And more ...
Thus a typical ALP application uses the selected scripting
language(s) to implement its logic. The ALP supplied built-in
objects (Request, Response, Server etc.) give it access to the
basic I/O (interaction with the user). The pages create objects from
the run-time library (using Server.CreateObject
...> tags) whenever they need certain features and use them to
perform their tasks. If the ALP run-time library is not enough, i.e.
the developer needs features not found in it or wants to
access/control external applications through automation - then the
developer can use the same way to create any external object by
passing its ProgID or ClassID.
Which 3-d party objects can be used from within an ALP application? All the
well-known components - ADO, CDO, FSO, the Active Directory components
and so on. Also, as ALP runs on the desktop it can be used to
control/automate desktop applications - such as MS Excel, MS Word, MS
Outlook and so on. Such a functionality is usually associated with
VB/VBA applications or Windows Scripting Host, but with ALP it can be
implemented in an ASP page or in a script running in a thread created
by your page.
Thus ALP combines easy to design/control user interface with
ultimate COM features access. Having the rich ALP run-time library
packed with the application allows the developer choose any suitable
way. For example:
When the application is intended for distribution to the retail
market the developer uses preferably components from the ALP
run-time library and external components that are compatible with
most platforms and do not depend on non-standard system features.
The resulting application is easy to install and can be even packed
as autorun and started from a CD/DVD/Flash Memory without
installation. An application based on ALP and its run-time library
only will work even in a totally restricted guest account from a
removable media!
On the other hand if the aim is integration with specific
software running in your office/organization the application can use
the COM objects offered by the software to directly control/query
this software. Still the core of the application will remain
portable an easy to deploy and the developer will be concerned only
about the extranal software availability and configuration. For
instance some of our clients use ALP to construct applications that
can be used alone, but can also connect to the corporate SQLServer,
MS Exchange server and other typical corporate applications when the
computer (usually laptop) connects to the corporate network. When
the application must be able to work both alone (with cached data
for example) and also integrated with the organization's software
ALP offers simple and portable way to do this. When it is even
needed to host the same application on the WEB ALP is perhaps the
only solution that will allow you do that without need to write
almost everything again.
While ALP with its primary ASP compatible programming interface
offers own set of libraries, viewer and other tools - the developer
is not restricted to them. The included libraries are well tested
for cross Windows OS version compatibility and are especially
designed to work without external dependencies and need of local
machine configuration. The developer is still able to use any
automation enabled COM object from outside and thus build
applications that integrate/interact with other software, corporate
systems and so on. It is true that many components from the ALP
run-time library have functionality that overlaps with some popular
components - an example:
Storages and Files (SF)
component set (see SFMain)
covers most of the functionality of the Scripting.FileSystemObject (FSO)
from the Microsoft Scripting Run-time library. Nevertheless SF
component set offers more features and is built so that the
developer can use the same API-s for files and other file-like
resources while FSO is not - for example through SFStream you work
with files, memory streams, OLE files, TCP/UDP connections, IRDA
connections while FSO provides access to files only. Furthermore SF
is always available with ALP while FSO may not be available on the
target system and would require additional efforts to redistribute
and check for availability. Additionally SF components allow text,
binary and record based access simultaneously while FSO offers text
access only.
The situations is similar with many other components in ALP
run-time library which means that using them the developer will need
to learn how to use them, but effort will pay back with more features
available to the application and more opportunities. So the developer
may choose freely which components to use when it concerns
functionality covered by both ALP run-time library and 3-d party
components. Thus the developer can choose whichever is best for the
particular purpose - when maximum portability is needed ALP run-time
library is best, when integration with other software is the point the
developer can use the external components. When porting existing
application this allows the user avoid the need to rewrite huge
amounts of code and resort to such a measure only if ALP run-time
libraries will offer a substantial benefit not offered by the
components used in the original application.
Usually the COM based open environments are claimed
non-applicable for autorun scenarios (such as running application
directly from a CD with none or minimal installation, or downloading a
package and just starting it by running an exe file in it). However
ALP overcomes this and allows it with acceptable limitations (All the
ALP supplied components are not affected by these limitations)! This
opens some areas that are hard to reach even for many products built in C++ -
such as running application in guest accounts (with absolutely no
rights for installation of anything).
The system requirements of ALP and its run-time libraries and
- ALP needs Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 or later to be installed on the
- It will run on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98SE, Windows ME, Windows
NT/2000/XP/2k3 and later versions
without need of additional components
- On Windows Win95/NT4 it requires at least Internet Explorer 4 to be installed.
Note that ADO, MSDAC, FSO and other components typically used in
ASP programming are not part of ALP itself - they are external
components. They are popular and most often pre-installed on most
Windows systems. However the developer who builds an application that
employs them should check their requirements and availability in
Microsoft documentation. If because of some reason their scope of
availability and requirements is not suitable for the application the
developer may resort to the ALP run-time library which supplies
alternatives for all of them.
You can start learning Active Local Pages by going to the Getting
started page.