1. Creation
and ProgID
2. Overview
3. Members reference
See also: Using Hash and Cryptography objects,
Implemented algorithms list
Threading model: Both
Program ID: newObjects.crypt.HashObject
ClassID: {9C2A07F4-FB73-442A-8932-4B2916D85576}
Threading model: Free
ProgramID: newObjects.crypt.HashObject.free
ClassID: {6ED3C86E-091A-4449-891C-D99C99690A28}
This object implements both hash and HMAC functions. When the Key
property is empty (default) it functions as hash function, when the Key
property is set it functions as HMAC function over the same hash
algorithm (selected using InitHash).
The object can be used to hash/HMAC data both in a single step or
in a number of chunks. The HashData method performs Hash/HMAC
over the passed data in single step, while series of HashUpdate
followed by final call to HashFinalize do the same for a set of
data chunks. Depending on the data size and the way the data becomes
available one of these techniques would be more convenient. For
example hash values for passwords are obviously candidate for single
step HashData, while hashing a large file should be read in a cycle
and hashed through HashUpdate and finalized with HashFinalize after
the last chunk is read and passed to HashUpdate.
No matter which technique is used the resulting hash/HMAC is
obtained through reading the Value or the BinaryValue
property. They both return the calculated Hash/HMAC, but in different
formats. Value returns it in a hexdecimal string, while BinaryValue
returns it as binary data (array of bytes - VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY) which
can be passed to other components that work with binary data directly.
These are the two most popular forms of the hash values thus almost
always you would be able to obtain the result in the form best for the
particular application needs.
What kind of data can be passed to HashData and HashUpdate? Textual
or binary. When strings are passed as argument they are first
converted to the code page specified by the CodePage argument or if it
is omitted the CodePage property is used. The converted string is then
hash-ed/HMAC-ed. When binary data is passed it is processed "as
is" without further conversions. For example you can use
SFStream.ReadBin to read from a file and pass the result from that
call directly to HashUpdate (or HashData if that is all the data you
want to hash/HMAC).
Notice about hashing texts. Almost all the standard applications
for hash/HMAC functions over textual data are restricted to ASCII
characters or alternatively they assume the text is encoded in some
safe manner (most often UTF-8). This is for a reason - if UNICODE text
is hash/HMAC-ed directly the system's byte order is important. For
example the x86 compatible processors use little endian while PowerPC
processors use big endian formats. For instance this means that on x86
machines the Cyrillic letter "A" will be represented as 10
40 while on Power PC systems it will be represented as 40 10.
Consequently the Hash/HMAC result will differ despite the fact that
you are hashing the same text.
InitHash |
object.InitHash "hash_function_name"
Initializes the object with the specified hash algorithm
(function). This also effectively resets the object for a new use.
The hash_function_name parameter is the hash algorithm
name. Currently supported are:
MD5 - MD5 algorithm
SHA1 - SHA-1 algorithm
SHA256 - SHA-256 algorithm |
HashData |
object.HashData data [,codePage]
Generates the hash or HMAC digest of the data. The data
parameter can be binary data (byte array - a Variant VT_UI1 |
VT_ARRAY) or a string. The codePage parameter is used when data
is string. It specifies the code page which is used for conversion
before processing the data. If omitted the code page set by the CodePage
property is used.
The generated Hash/HMAC digest can be obtained from the Value
or the BinaryValue (whichever offers more appropriate
format for your purposes).
All the data passed to the method is processed and the process is
finalized - i.e. each call to this method completes the digest
generation in single step. For hashing data in chunks see HashUpdate/HashFinalize. |
HashUpdate |
object.HashUpdate data [,codePage]
Together with HashFinalize enables the application to
generate Hash/HMAC digest of huge amount of data passing it as a
number of chunks. After calling the HashUpdate as many times
as needed to pass all the data you need to call HashFinalize
to complete the operation.
The data parameter is the data as binary (byte array VT_UI1 |
VT_ARRAY) or a string. The codePage parameter is used when data
is string. It specifies the code page which is used for conversion
before processing the data. If omitted the code page set by the CodePage
property is used.
HashFinalize |
Finalizes the operation if HashUpdate is used to process
huge amount of data in chunks (sequential calls to HashUpdate to
pass all the data). The generated Hash/HMAC digest can be obtained
from the Value or BinaryValue property. |
Reset |
Resets the object state and buffers, but leaves the selected
algorithm and HMAC key (if present) intact. Used mostly to cancel
HashUpdata/HashFinalize operation and prepare the object for
reuse. |
ResetKey |
Resets the object state, HMAC key and the buffers, but leaves the
selected algorithm intact. Used mostly to cancel HashUpdata/HashFinalize
operation and prepare the object for reuse. |
Value |
hash = object.Value
Returns the generated Hash/HMAC digest from the last operation as
hexdecimal string.
Query this property after calling HashData or after calling
several times HashUpdate and finially HashFinalize. The Reset and
ResetKey methods clear this value. It is recommended to call one
of them (whichever is more appropriate for what you are doing)
between the operations in order to avoid mess up with digests
generated during previous operations. |
BinaryValue |
hashedData = object.BinaryValue
Returns the generated Hash/HMAC digest from the last operation as
binary data (byte array - VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY).
Query this property after calling HashData or after calling
several times HashUpdate and finially HashFinalize. The Reset and
ResetKey methods clear this value. It is recommended to call one
of them (whichever is more appropriate for what you are doing)
between the operations in order to avoid mess up with digests
generated during previous operations. |
HashSize |
sizeinbytes = object.HashSize
Returns the size (in bytes) of the digest generated by the
selected algorithm. This value is a constant for each algorithm:
MD5 - 16 bytes
SHA1 - 20 bytes
SHA256 - 32 bytes |
BlockSize |
sizeinbytes = object.BlockSize
Returns the size (in bytes) of the selected algorithm's block
size. Each hash function processes the data in blocks with size
specific for the particular algorithm. When the last remaining
data is processed it is padded to the block size. The padding is
standard and is done by automatically by the HashData or
HashFinalize methods repspectively. |
CodePage |
object.CodePage = cp
cp = object.CodePage
Specifies the code page which is used whenever a string is passed
as data to the HashData or HashUpdate methods. Usually textual
data is hashed not as UNICODE (which is the internal string format
used in COM) but in ASCII or multibyte format. Value of -1 will
cause the data to be processed as UNICODE, 0 or greater value
specify a code page. |
Key |
object.Key = keyforHMAC
keyforHMAC = object.Key
HMAC is actually a simple standard that defines how to generate
digest of a data combined with a secret key (another small chunk
of data). I.e. the digest can be verified only if you know the
key. The implementation is according to RFC2104.
If the key is not set the object generates hash (and not HMAC). If
the Key is set the object generates HMAC over the processed data.
Thus the same object serves the both cases. |
... |